
Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2012

· Self

One of the first stumbling blocks that Westerners often encounter when they learn about Buddhism is the teaching on anatta, often translated as no-self. This teaching is a stumbling block for two reasons. First, the idea of there being no self doesn't fit well with other Buddhist teachings, such as the doctrine of kamma and rebirth: If there's no self, what experiences the results of kamma and takes rebirth? Second, it doesn't fit well with our own Judeo-Christian background, which assumes the existence of an eternal soul or self as a basic presupposition: If there's no self, what's the purpose of a spiritual life? Many books try to answer these questions, but if you look at the Pali canon — the earliest extant record of the Buddha's teachings — you won't find them addressed at all. In fact, the one place where the Buddha was asked point-blank whether or not there was a self, he refused to answer. When later asked why, he said that to hold either that there...

· Nie-pragnienie

Pragnienie i niechęć powodują cierpienie. Cierpienie powoduje pragnienie i niechęć. Lekarstwem na pragnienie jest umiar. Niechęci nie da się pokonać niechęcią, jedynie "zaproszeniem jej na herbatę".

· Fukan Zazengi

Dlatego powinieneś odejść od praktyki [medytacji zazen] opartej na rozumieniu intelektualnym, odrzucić słowa i to, co za nimi idzie, nauczyć się kroku wstecz, który odwróci światło do wewnątrz aby oświetlało twoją jaźń. SOURCE: Dogen - "Fukan Zazengi"