
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2014

· Mind-body

The idea is to be aware of the general totality of your sitting experience. The body is sitting; you know this. This means your mind is sitting, too. So the body and mind are together as you’re sitting. If you don’t know you’re sitting, then you’re not following the method. SOURCE Teaching of Chan Master Sheng Yen by Guo Gu (Jimmy Yu)

· Suffering is natural

We are afraid of being overwhelmed by the suffering inside. That is why we try to run away from ourselves, from our own suffering. We try to consume in order to cover up the suffering inside. We watch television we go to the internet, we play music, we talk on the phone, we open the refridgerator and find something to eat. All that has only one purpouse: to run away from our suffering, to cover up our suffering by the way of consumption. SOURCE: The Country of Your True Home - Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh