
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2016

· Dhammapada

Niech nikt nie wynajduje błędów u innych; niech nie wypatruje zaniedbań i złych postępków u innych. Niech widzi swe własne czyny — co zrobił a czego nie uczynił. SOURCE: III. 50. Dhammapada

· Karmas are also empty

Though atachment and anger are empty, yet they are capable of creating karma. Karmas are also empty, yet they are capable of producing sufferings. Sufferings are empty too, yet they are unbearable to experience... SOURCE: Karma and Rebirth

· Buddha as Love

Nirvana is not the ultimate abode of Buddhahood, nor is enlightenment. Love and compassion is what essentially constitutes the self-nature of the All-knowing One (sarvajna). SOURCE: Lankavatara Sutra Preface