
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2014

· Mind cannot be grasped

The Mind that cannot be grasped (held onto) is what all Buddhas are, for They personally rely upon It as supreme, fully perfected enlightenment. As the Diamond-Cutting Scripture says, “The mind of the past cannot be retained; the mind of the present cannot be held onto; the mind of the future cannot be grasped.” This expression points to the Buddha’s reliance upon the Mind that cannot be held onto, which is what all Buddhas do. SOURCE: Master Dogen - Shobogenzo On 'The Mind Cannot Be Grasped' (Shin Fukatoku)

· Shobogenzo - Shoaku Makusa

Not doing any evils, devoutly practicing every good, purifying one's own mind: this is the teachings of all Buddhas. Zaprzestanie wszelkiego zła, Oddane praktykowanie każdego dobra, Oczyszczając swój umysł. - to jest nauka wszystkich Buddów. SOURCE: Master Dogen - Shobogenzo On ‘Refrain from All Evil Whatsoever’ (Shoaku Makusa)