
Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2013

· Fire boy seeking fire

Zen Master Xuanze had affinity with Fayan. Once Xuanze was appointed as director in the assembly of Fayan. One day Fayan said, “How many years have you been here?” Xuanze replied, “I have already been in the teacher’s assembly for three years.” Fayan said, “You are a student, so why don’t you ever ask me about Dharma?” Xuanze said, “I dare not deceive the teacher. When I was at Qingfeng’s place, I realized peace and joy.” Fayan asked, “Through which words were you able to enter?” Xuanze responded, “I once asked Qingfeng, ‘What is the self of the student [i.e., my own self]?’ Qingfeng said, ‘The fire boy comes seeking fire.’” Fayan said, “Good words, only I am afraid that you did not understand them.” Xuanze said, “The fire boy belongs to fire. Already fire but still seeking fire is just like being self and still seeking self.” Fayan exclaimed, “Now I really know that you do not understand. If Buddha Dharma was like that it would not have lasted till today.” Xuanze was overwrought...

· Dobra pustka

Ciało które tak mocno kochasz ma swój początek i koniec. Kiedyś wcale nie istniało, po śmierci zmieni się, jest nietrwałe. Umysł który pielęgnujesz, charakter do którego jesteś przywiązany - też są nietrwałe. Gdy skończy się Twoje życie one też przestaną istnieć. Buddyzm Zen uczy że wszystkie rzeczy są właśnie takie. Są pozbawione trwałości, esencji, są puste.