· Nature
*** English ***
Our nature is neither good nor evil
Bodhidharma, when asked what is Zen, replied:
- "Emptiness and nothing sacred."
It's not nature's fault that it's not always good,
like it's not a dog's fault that he chews shoes.
"Nothing sacred", because in relation to our nature the boundaries of holiness and impurities should not apply as our nature is so primal that outside those labels. Our nature is in the beginning neither bad nor good, only the mind creates divisions between good and evil, but those divisions should not apply to our nature.
*** Polish ***
Nasza natura nie jest ani dobra ani zla
Bodhidharma zapytany czym jest Zen, odpowiedzial:
- "Pustka i zadnej swietosci."
To nie wina natury ze nie zawsze jest dobra,
tak jak to nie wina psa ze gryzie buty.
"Zadnej swietosci", poniewaz w odniesieniu do naszej natury jest ona tak pierwotna ze poza podzialami na swietosci i nieczystosci. Nasza natura nie jest z poczatku ani zla ani dobra, dopiero umysl tworzy podzialy na dobro i zlo, ale w odniesieniu do naszej natury te podzialy nie powinny obowiazywac.
Have faith in meditation.