
Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2015

· Thirst

Thirst is the path to suffering. The Buddhist tradition identifies taṇhā as a self-centered type of desire that is based in ignorance. This type of desire is contrasted to wholesome types of desire such as the desire to benefit others or to follow the Buddhist path. SOURCE: Tanha (thirst/desire) @ Wiki

· Make me happy

You cannot make someone fully happy. You can make him/her happier but not completely happy. A person can only save oneself. If you don't believe me, I dare you to make someone completely happy, not happier. Just one person.

· Wash your plate

Zen Master Joshu said: “Have you eaten your [meal]? Then you had better wash your [plate].” SOURCE: Zen sayings of master Joshu (book)